Jumat, 15 Maret 2019

Dewan Ulama Thariqah Mengutuk Aksi Teroris di Masjid Selandia Baru

ulama thariqah mengutuk teroris selandia baru

Aksi penembakan brutal yang terjadi di Masjid Al Noor di Christchurch New Zealand terus bertambah, kabar terakhir berjumlah 49 orang. PM Selandia Baru Jacinda Ardern secara resmi menyebut serangan ini sebagai serangan teroris dan mengecamnya.

Akibat serangan brutal yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dan terencana oleh teroris berkewarganegaraan Australian ini, umat Islam dunia berduka dan mengecam perbuatan keji tersebut, termasuk Dewan Ulama Thariqah Indonesia/ASEAN (DUTI/DUTA)

DUTI dan DUTA mengutuk perbuatan kejam terhadap umat muslim yang sedang ibadah shalat Jumat tersebut, hal itu disampaikan oleh Rais Mustyasar DUTI dan DUTA Tuangku Syeikh Muhammad Ali Hanafiah melalui halaman Facebook DUTI, Jum'at 15 Maret 2019

Tuangku Syeikh Muhammad Ali Hanafiah menilai bahwa tragedi kemanusiaan terhadap imigram Muslim yang terjadi di New Zealand tersebut merupakan konflik dampak dari kampanye islamophobia yang terus dilancarkan oleh negara-negara Barat, termasuk juga Selandia Baru, dan serangan teror tersebut merupakan tragedi atau bencana yang paling parah di kawasan benua Australia saat ini. Dewan Ulama Thariqah Indonesia yang berdiri tahun 2016 silam menduga bahwa pelaku teror sadis itu dilakukan oleh kelompok haluan kanan yang anti-Muslim dan Imgran.

Beliau juga menghimbau Pemerintah Indonesia untuk lebih aktif bersuara dan cenderung memimpin aliansi mitra dialog dan diplomasi hak asasi manusia karena mengingat Indonesia adalah penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia, serta mengajak seluruh umat islam untuk shalat ghaib dan mendoakan arwah korban teror tersebut.

Kecaman dan dan pernyataan sikap resmi Dewan Ulama Thariqah Indonesia/ASEAN selengkapnya yang di posting di akun facebook Dewan Ulama Thariqah;

[Klik untuk Bahasa Indonesia]


Based on information from The New York Times, as many as 49 people were killed and a number of serious and minor injuries, as well as missing in the shootings of Muslims at Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque in Cristchurch, New Zealand, on Friday, March 15 2019, Indonesian Muslim Ulama Council (DUTI) and the ASEAN Tariqa Ulama Council (AMB),

DUTI and DUTA assess that this is the worst human tragedy in the region of the continent of Australia at this time, and suspect this was done by the hands of anti-Muslim right-wing groups and Imigran.

DUTI and DUTA assess the humanitarian tragedy against imigram Muslim conflict is the impact of the Islamophobia campaign that continues to be launched by Western countries, including New Zealand.

DUTI and DUTA ask the Indonesian Government to be more active in voicing and tend to lead the alliance of dialogue partners and human rights diplomacy (Human Rights Diplomacy) considering: 1). Indonesia's position which tends to be neutral from geopolitical interests in this region; 2). Indonesia as the largest Muslim country; and 3). Indonesia explicitly in the constitution requires that oppression on the face of the earth must be abolished.

DUTI and AMBASSADORS also invite Muslims in particular and the Indonesian people in general, to carry out humanitarian solidarity actions and humanitarian assistance missions against Muslim brothers in New Zealand.

The DUTI and the AMBASSADOR also suggested that they pray for the deaths of the victims and send special prayers so that the dead victims would be calm, so that the victims of minor and severe injuries would immediately get healing, so that the missing victims could be found alive and well, and so that eternal peace can return to this earth.

Finally, DUTI and DUTA strongly condemned the humanitarian tragedy of Muslim immigrants in New Zealand while inviting us all to unite hearts, determination, enthusiasm and effort to realize the ideals of the constitution "to participate in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice," and demand from the New Zealand government: Immediately arrest and punish the perpetrators and their networks in the shortest possible time with the TERRORIS law applicable in that country.

May Allah keep all Muslims throughout the world from the evil and injustice of people and groups who hate Islam.

Sheikh Muhammad Ali Hanafiah Ar Rabbani.
The head Advisor of the Indonesian - ASEAN Thariqah Ulama Council

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